Sunday, September 29, 2013


I've just finished my third week of school, and I'm somewhat happy/not-so-happy to say that it has finally come on full throttle. I now at least know what to expect for the rest of the year when it comes to assignments, attitudes of my teachers, and class schedule which is nice, but the work is definitely starting to pile up, thus limiting the amount of time I have to write.

I say that things have really picked up now because I had my first test last week and have another 3 this week, and my test calendar should continue in a similar pattern for the rest of the year. I've gotten passed the boring first couple of days where teachers outline the syllabus and tell you that you can only take notes at home on the left-hand side of your notebook (which actually happened, by the way), so at least I'm learning now. The first couple days were also met with a lot of speeches from faculty members all telling us "Guys, you're going to work 749X harder than you've ever had this year. Some of you might die. Seriously," followed by the stress-management and "oh all your teachers are here for you even though they'll be slowly eating away at your soul with work" talks, which did not help me bring down my already high levels of anxiety. That just made me wish I could go back to the days where I would come home from school and watch Nickelodeon all afternoon while eating cheerios and not hating myself.

I went to the Feast of San Gennaro last Saturday evening with a friend, and I hope to have that post out by the end of this week. I brought my camera but it was raining and I didn't want to screw anything up so I took pictures on my phone instead. 

Ciao! (you can see I've really embraced Italian culture)

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